Website Launch

Website Launch

Information about Sree Datta Kshetras Narsobachi Wadi, Audumbar, Ganugapur & Pithapur, Guru Charitra , Dram beejam and many more. Sree Datta Vaibhavam website is launched by “SARASA SAAHITHEE CHARANA CHAARANA CHAKRAVARTHY”, “KALAA VAITHAALIKA”, “KALAA SAAGARA”, DATTA UPASAKA BRAHMASRI GVLN VIDYA SAAGARA SHARMA of Guntur in Andhra Pradesh. He blessed the team of “ Sree Datta Vaibhavam” in bringing the Glory of Lord Dattatreya to the world and in spreading Datta nama smarana. He blessed that the Website is chosen by Dattaguru as all know that “Lord Dattatreya will select his servants for his Service”.

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Dram Bijam

Dram Bijam

‘Mananath Trayathe Ithi Mantraha’-  .Those who chant one “MANTRA” always, the Mantra itself will protect them.  Mantras’ are mystic sounds which produce certain type of energies. Mantras are considered to be divine rhymes composed by the ancient Vedic Rishis/saints and  are primarily invented  for the welfare of the society.When we repeatedly utter a Mantra we are tuning to a particular frequency and this frequency establishes a contact with the cosmic energy and drags it into our body and surroundings.Thus we can balance the energies and also increase the level of a certain type of energies, which promote certain actions and events.

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Datta Mandir Nirmaan

Datta Mandir Nirmaan

1620669540596With the blessings of Lord Dattatreya, Sreeguru has given an opportunity to us for constructing a Datta Mandir at Markapur for fulfilling the desires of the devotees and also for reciting datta nama smaran for the benefit of the present and future generations. Its a Thought provoked by  Dattaguru to
“SREE GURU DATTA BHAKTA SAMAJ” trust members in the year of 2006.

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Datta Kshetras

………………….15 year old boy’s lost eye sight was restored 

Karthik Varma affected by Brain Tumour Karthik Varma affected by Brain Tumour

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