Divine Testimonial 2

The Story of a boy [XYZ] who regained his lost vision after Successful Brain Surgery with the Divine blessings of Lord Dattatreya.

ABCD is  from a middle class  working as a Senior Assistant in a PSU organization at Jadcherla under Telangana State. He is  having a son Chy XYZ  of aged 15 years  studying Tenth standard.

In the month of May, 2014, one day the boy  expressed that, he is not able to see the letters in the books  and not able to read properly.  Immdiately they contacted one Eye specialist and Doctor  advised to go for further tests to diagnose the problem. After seing the reports, they  tensed to know the root cause  from the Doctor.

Due to formation of tumor in brain(MENOZYMA), optic nerve of 4 cms radius is damaged which is the main reason for loss of vision and advised to admit  in a Corporate hosipital immediately.    Parents  admitted the  boy in  KIMS hospital, Minister road, Secunderabad.

Doctors  recommended for  further tests and  advised  to go for immediate Brain skull open operation for the child. Tears are falling continuously  from the eyes of the parents with shivering in total body  and are  not able to digest the situation.  

With the sad feelings and thoughts rounding about  his financical adjustments, worry about boy studies&health,  Shri ABCD Ji   went to Jadcherla office to apply for leave .   

One of his colleagues enquired for the sad face and suggested  to contact  DATTA SAADHAKA who is on tour  at  that place at that  moment .

Shri ABCD ji narrated the situation,  and  DATTA SAADHAKA suggested to recite “Digambara digambara sree paada Vallabha digambara” continuously as many times as they  can including his  son before operation. After getting   sanction of leave, he  returned  to Hospital.

Doctors fixed the next day as the day of Open Surgery. Shri ABCD ji  gave the    Datta mantra to his  wife and  son.  They  started the recitation with full faith on Dattaguru through out the day and on the day of operation also. Operation was performed for more than 6 hours with 40 stitches.

Yes…Yes…Yes…here is again wonder!!!….There Datta Maharaj…..Sprinkled his DIVINE SHOWERS on the boy..Operation is SUCCESS!!!!!

By hearing the news from the Doctors,  Parents  turned their  faces to the sky and prayed Dattaguru heart fully with fallen tears. No voice is there from their mouths except what???….


After 2 days, Boy was shifted to general ward and astonished to know  that, in that stage …  boy is recommending  that mantra to the co-patients in the Hospital  for  their Speedy recovery.  

At the time of discharge, Doctors told that the vision of the boy is regained and nothing to worry in future also. Everything is alright.

Lord Datta has emphatically declared in the Guru Charita: “There is no physician abler than Me!”.   


  Shri ABCD ji contacted DATTA SAADHAKA  to say thanks in his words…. “ I will never forget this incident in my life and from that day  we are praying DATTA PRABHU…

 We decided to  spread the mantra to many more.  It is only the miracle Of  Lord  Dattatreya and nothing else. I want to express my heartful respects to the Team Sreedattavaibhavam with folded arms  for saving the eye sight and life of my son Chy  XYZ ”.




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