Sree Kshetra Pithapuram


Kukkuteswara swamy Devasthanam (Swayambhu Dattatreya temple is also inside this temple)

PITHAPURAM is the famous Datta Kshetra located in East Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh state in India.

Pithapuram is also known as Dakshina Kasi (or THE KASI OF THE SOUTH).

Pithapuram is widely known as a pilgrim centre and a temple of great importance as it has many shrines of important Deities i.e. Sri Puruhootika Devi, Sri Kukkuteshwara Swamy, Sri Dattatreya Swamy, and Pada Gaya.


PITHAPURAM was earlier known as PEETHA PURAM OR PEETHIKAPURAM which means the place bearing the peetha (seat) sthan. According to Indian Puranas it is said that after Daksha Yagna Sati Devi’s Organ (LOWER BACK/SEAT PORTION) HAS FALLEN IN THIS PLACE WHILE HER BODY WAS CARRIED BY LORD SHIVA. So it is called as PURUHOOTIKA PURAM later changed to PEETHIKAPURAM and finally PITHAPURAM. This place is considered as the 10TH SHAKTHI PEETHAM OF THE 18 (ASTHADASA) SHAKTHI PETTHAS. Shakti Peethas divine shrines of Devi. These are shrines that are highly revered by Shaktas(Shaktism). The mythology says about the falling of parts of the corpse of Sati Devi, when Lord Shiva took it and wandered. Here the seat place of shakthi has fallen.


Lord Shiva carrying Sati Devi’s body



Two main Temples are to be visited at Pithapuram out of many temples. They are KUKKUTESWARA TEMPLE PREMISES and SRIPADA SRIVALLABHA SWAMY temple. PADA GAYA KSHETRAM OR KUKKUTESWARA TEMPLE Kukkuteswara swamy temple is a big premises which has Purahuthika temple , Raja rajeswari Temple, Swayambhuv Datta Temple, Kukkuteswara Temple and newly constructed Sai Temple in the same premises. This temple is very big and spacious, in temple premises we can see the large deep water pond. It is on the bank of river Godavari.

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Three Places are called as sacred places to perform”PINDA PRADANAM” (last rights) of one’s loved ones performed here ensures salvation of their loved ones.

SHIRO GAYA: It is in Bihar. It is known as “Gaya”. Here lord Vishnu is worshipped in the form of Gadadhara even today. This is one of the 18 Shakthi peetas (MANGALYA GOURI) where Gayasur’s head is placed when he liked down for Yagna

NABI GAYA: This is in Orissa, near Bijapur railway station. It is known as NABHI GAYA KSHETRA. Lord Brahma is worshipped here. It is also one of the 18 Shakthi Peetams ( GIRIJADEVI) where the naval point of Gayasur is placed.

PADA GAYA: It is in Pithapuram, East Godavari district. Lord Siva is worshipped here and Shakthi peetam is Purihuthika Devi. It is famous for Pinda Pradanam to ancestors. Vishnu Pada, Gaya Pada shrines are also present here.

The story behind is that during the time of KRUTA YUGA there had been a demon called GAYASURA. He, did a heavy penance and sought a boon that whoever see him should attain salvation (Moksham). Since salvation is achieved through being righteous in one’s lifetime, people started obtaining it easily by seeing Gayasura. To prevent immoral people from attaining salvation Indra prayed Trimurthis (Lord Brahama, Vishnu and Shiva). Trimurthis has approached Gayasura as Brahmins.

Then they told Gayasura, that they are conducting to do a Pavithra Yagna, and they requested land from him. Gayasura happily accepted to give the land. And they told to Gayasura, each and every place on earth has bad incidents in it’s history, so its unfit for their sacred Yagna . Gayasura has asked them to solve this solution, and Trimurthees has told to Gayasura, your body will be the best place for Yagna! They supported their logic with the boon he got from Vishnu and his wish in giving salvation to everybody! And told that this can be considered as a pious challenge to him and that after the Yagna was over, he can continue to grow in height and give salvation freely to all the people. He has to face the sins of all people before giving salvation. He has to face many vighnas(obstacles) to fulfill his desire. They told that the capabilities of Gayasura can be pre-tested in helping this Yagna. Gayasura has accepted. That Yagna was conducted on the pious body for seven days. He developed his etheric-body with his power and slept on earth.


Yagna performed on Gayasur’s Body



Lord Trimurtees has started the Yagna., he has bore the fire on his body. He was counting the days with the help of crowing of cocks in the early morning. He became frustrated that day by day, because of the fire but not moving his body for the word he gave. On the seventh day Lord Shiva took a form of the cock and crowed at midnight. Gayasura has Considering that it has the sign of morning and he woke up. Then the yagna was destroyed. Trimurthees has asked Gayasura, “if you couldn’t control for seven days how you will be willing to bear the sins of entire humanity for unlimited time by growing in size.” Gayasura has realized his mistake and he accepted his fault. Trimurthis has appeared before him and told that his body will be present as it is and the entire land will become sacred because of him only. He was granted Moksha too and blessed. He entered into samadhi and nirantara tapascharyam and stopped his asinine act of growing in size. Lord Vishnu punished him by stamping Gayasura with his feet into the Earth. As a result Lord Vishnu’s foot prints remained on earth.


Vishnu Padam (foot prints)

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Lord Dattatreya had been SWAYAMBHUVU here.That means the idol present in the Temple is not carved by any one. Instead he appeared on his own . Unlike other Datta kshetras Idol is worshipped here. Sripada Vallabha charita proves that Here Datta had been worshipped since 1350 A.D by Appala Raja Sharma (father of sripada).


Datta on a normal day

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A Temple is erected for Datta and a audumbar tree is also planted beneath which we can see the footprints(padukas) of the lord and Sripada’s idol is also placed.

Localites believe that if anyone goes to this Datta Temple with a desire to be fulfilled they have to carry a coconut and after performing pooja that coconut is placed behind Lord’s idol. It is believed that doing this Datta fulfills the desires within 3 months.


Datta Mandir


Sripada and footprints under audumbar tree


Padukas At Swayambhu Datta Temple


Abhishekam from 5.30 a.m to 11 a.m

MahaNivedana 12.30 noon Darshanam at 4.30 p.m

Dhoopa seva at 6 p.m

Nivedanam , Neerajanam , Mantra pushpam , Darbaru seva and Pavalimpu seva at 7 p.m


Abhishekam from 5.30 a.m to 11 a.m

Maha nivedana at 12.30 noon

Darshanam from 4 p.m to 8 p.m

Ashtottaram at 6 p.m


Temple authorities are providing 13 A/C and 6 NON A/C rooms for devotees. A trust by name KUKKUTESWARA SWAMY DEVASTHANAM maintains the premises and can be contacted over phone and by mail id

E mail,

PHONE:08869 – 252477(For Room Booking and Pooja Details)

FROM 7:30am – 12:30pm & 4:30pm – 8:30pm

08869 – 251445(Office) FROM 10.00am – 5:00pm

Private lodges are also available in the town to have a pleasant stay.


East Godavari District

Next important temple to be visited is of SRIPADA SRIVALLABHA MAHA SAMSTHANAM:

Sripada was born in 1326 A.D in pithapuram on the day of Ganesh chathurdhi. His birth star is Chitra an simha lagnam and Thula rasi (libra). His parents are Sumathi Maha Rani (Daughter of Bapanarya) and Ghandkota Appala Raja Sharma. His birth secrecy is, when Appalaraja Sarma family was celebrating the Pitru Karma (shraaddha). (People are celebrate yearly once this ceremony to pay homage to the departed soul) In the after noon Bhikshuk(saint) came for bhiksha to Sarma’s house. Before feeding the invited Brahmins, Sumathi Maharani has fed this Bhikshuk considering him as Lord Dattatreya. Dattatreya became quite happy and offered her a boon.


The Birth of Shripada Shri Vallabha

She asked for a great knowledged son. Dattatreya Blessed her. She had before two sons, one is blind and lame. Dattatreya blessed her and saying that she will have world famous son who will be guru to all. Both husband and wife became very happy to hear the blessings from Lord Dattatreya, after on the day of Vinayaka Chathurdhi she had Shripada . Sripada is sri Datta himself. There is no difference between Sripada and Sri Datta. If worshipped Sripada one gets the same result which he gets by worshipping Guru Datta.

Pithapuram is blessed by the existence of Sripada for 30 years and later Sri pada took Sanyasa Ashram and left for Kuruvapur. Pithapur is the Karma bhoomi and Kuruvapur is the Moksha bhoomi of Sripada.

The tenure of Sripada Srivallabha is very small. But its prominence cannot be explained even by celestials and seven sages. He is support to all visible and invisible forces just like Datta Guru. Sripada Srivallabha ′s Incarnation Came to Dispel the Darkness of Ignorance. It Arrived to remove the limping progress of people in Physical and Spiritual Matters

Sripada’s Grand father’s House is converted into Sripada Maha Samsthanam and Temple by Sri Sajjanagada Ramaswamy who still maintains it. It is located in VENU GOPALA SWAMY TEMPLE STREET.


Sripada maha samsthan


Audumbar tree in the premises under which Sripada’s Paduka are there

Every One Must see the Sripada Vallabha Padukas. That Paduka’s Darshan available in the morning only. The temple will provide the cottages for every one. Sripada Sri Vallabha has showed so many miracles to his parents, close relatives, and people too… Sripada has spend most of the time in his Grand Parents house like( Bapanacharyulu’s house, Subbayya setti’s house, Narasimha Raju’s house). Audambar Vruksh is in temple premises only. Sripada has given lot of importance to this tree.

SPECIAL POOJAS ARE PERFORMED ON EVERY THURSDAYS ON CHITRA NAKSHATRA DAY special pooja to padukas and rajitha pallaki seva is done

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This temple is provided Nitya Annadanam for every day, the people believes that Lord Dattatreya has visited the Biksha in the afternoons. In the evenings every day temple is celebrate the “Pallaki Seva” for Lord Sripaa Srivallabha.

The temple also celebrate the Gurupournami, Dattatreya Jayanthi, Sani Trayodasi Pradosha Pooja and on every month temple celebrate the Chitta Nakshatram special pooja’s.


Sripada Srivallabha Maha Samsthanam”
Venu Gopal Temple Street,
E.G. Dist, A.P
Contact: 08869-250300


Rooms are available to devotees who visit samsthan. A newly constructed and maintained building by Sri Sajjanagada Ramaswamy is available.
Else KAKINADA and Rajahmundry are two places where A/C ROOMS ARE AVAILABLE IN HOTELS. Kakinada is just 20 kms away from Pithapuram.


Pithapuram is at a distance of 62 kms from Rajahmundry, 12 kms from Samarlakota, and 20 kms from Kakinada.

By bus: There are a number of buses plying from Kakinada, Rajahmundry, Visakhapatnam on a daily basis.
By train: There are a lot of trains from Hyderabad, Rajahmundry, Visakhapatnam railway stations.image027
Pithapuram railway station is on the Chennai–Howrah Railway line.
There are a lot of trains from Hyderabad, Rajahmundry, Visakhapatnam railway stations.
By air: There are a few flights from Visakhapatnam, Rajahmundry Airports.
Domestic flights upto Rajahmundry and upto Visakhapatnam flights from all parts of india.



కృతే జనార్ధనో దేవో || త్రేతాయా౦ రఘున౦దన ||
ద్వాపరే రామ కృష్ణౌచ || కలౌ శ్రీ పాద వల్లభ ||

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