Sree Vasudevananda Saraswati Swamy
!! श्रीपाद श्रीवल्लभ नरहरी दत्तात्रेया दिगंबरा
वासुदेवानंद सरस्वती सद्गुरुनाथा कृपा करा !!
Shreepad Shreevalabh Narhari Dattatreya Digambara
Vasudevanand Saraswati Sadguru Natha Krupa Kara !!.

Swamy Maha Samadhi at Garudeshwar
Paramhans Parivrajakacharya Shrimad VASUDEVANAND SARASWATI (TEMBE) SWAMI MAHARAJ was born in 1854 AD(Shravan Krishna 5) in the village MANGAON near Sawantwadi , Maharashtra ,INDIA.Lord Dattatreya instructed several devotees that he was dwelling in the form of Shree Tembe Swami Maharaj.He was instrumental in reviving some major places of worship like Kurgudda and Peethapuram . He has also installed several Datt idols in different parts of India.The Mahamantra “ DIGAMBARA DIGAMBARA SHRIPAD VALLABH DIGAMBARA ” !! दिगंबरा दिगंबरा श्रीपाद वल्लभ दिगंबरा !! was revealed to P.P. Vasudevanand Saraswati (Tembe) Swami Maharaj and he propogated this mantra on a large scale.Swami Maharaj has left behind a large body of literature.
Reference of SWAMI SAMARTH OF AKKALKOT, SAI BABA OF SHIRDI, GAJANAN MAHARAJ OF SHEGAON & OTHER SAINTS is found in LIFESTORY of DATTAVTARI P.P.VASUDEVANAND SARASWATI (TEMBE) SWAMI MAHARAJ. At Garudeshwar ( Gujarat ) in 1914 at the age of 60, On 1st day of Ashada he sat in siddhasana posture facing the idol of Shri Datta and with a chant of “OM”, he left his physical form. Even after leaving his physical form about 100 years ago ,lakhs of devotees of P.P.Vasudevanand Saraswati (Tembe ) Swami Maharaj throughout the world are feeling his presence and getting his experiences in their day to day life. His saying , “ Smratugami Samavtu.”, i.e. , whenever you remember me I will come to you within a fraction of a second holds good even today.

Maharaj’s Dhyan Mantra
He has authored around 19 books like Dwisahastri Gurucharitra(1889), Datta Puran(1892), Datta Mahatmya(1901), Saptashati Gurucharitra Saar(1904) and many more. Paramhans Parivrajakacharya Shreemad VASUDEVANAND SARASWATI (TEMBE) SWAMI MAHARAJ’s(1854-1914) 100th PUNYATITHI is on 28-06-2014. Ashadh Shudh 1.
Vasudeo(as he was called in his younger days) started the daily rituals ordained by the scriptures viz. Sandhya twice a day, 1000 recitations of Gayatri mantra, daily reading of shri Gurucharitra – the bible of Shri Datta tradition etc. He also completed a 2.4 million recitation of Gayatri. He strictly followed the religious disciplines prescribed by scriptures, particularly the Gurucharitra. He then started the study of Vedas, the holiest of the scriptures, under the guidance of Shri Tatya Bhataji Ukidave. He woke up daily before sunrise and took his bath and insulated himself from all impurities and contamination during the religious practices. He only took fresh, pure (sattvik) and vegetarian food prepared by himself or by his mother and never ate outside his home.

Vasudevanand Saraswati Swami Maharaj’s (1854-1914 ) Hand Writing
The food prepared in this fashion, he used to first offer to sacrificial fire (VaishvadevAhuti) the cow (Gograasana) , to the crow (Kaakabali) and finally to the Lord Datta, before partaking it in the manner ordained by scriptures. During the meal any impurity in the environment led him to leave his food and fast for the day. He used to observe the fasts on the 11th moons (Ekadashichandramas a vrata) of both the fortnights, when he did not even drink water and did not sleep during the day or in the night. Vasudeo’s austerities, dedicated practices and devotion soon led to his acquiring mantrasiddhi i.e., supernatural powers operating through vedic mantras. There are numerous examples of these.
A hundred year old Dattatreya Yantra and the Hand written Shloka written by Tembe Maharaj or Sri Vasudevananda Saraswati, the author of Datta Stava. The shloka was written and given to the father of Sri Nilkantha Shastry in 1913. The shloka is on Goddess Saraswati and reads as
Namaste Sharade Devi ||Saraswati Mati Prade||Vasatva Mama Jihvagre||Sarva Vidya Prada Bhava
It means:
Salutations to Sharada Devi,Goddess Saraswati, the giver of intellect, Live at the tip of my tongue, Giver of all Knowledge. This is indeed a very rare manuscript
![]() Ekamukhi Dattatreya |
![]() Maharaj as Sanyasi |
Shri Vasudeo Shastri never employed his powers for either monetary gain or to impress others in any way. He only used his powers to help the needy and to relieve suffering. We shall see that this compassion for his fellow beings continued to be a major motivation in his entire life. He was always at the rim of Datta-sampanna. Many are the blessed souls who, by daily devout study of this work, have earned the grace of Lord Dattatreya and his unerring guidance respecting to their Perfect Masters.
A few instances:
Vasudeva Sastri (b. 1854), a very poor but devout Brahmin of Mangaon, used to read Sree Guru Charitra since his boyhood. One day, Lord Datta appeared in his dream and said, “Go to Nrisimhavadi. You will get the needed money and company too!” The next morning, a rich man who had earlier got his astrological guidance turned up and paid Sastry Rs.250/-. Meanwhile, his neighbour, a devotee of Lord Datta, requested Sastri to accompany him on a trip to that very place! On the way, when they sojourned at a village called Boregaon, Lord Datta again appeared in his dream and said, “At Nrisimhavadi, take darshan of Govindaswami!” Accordingly, on reaching the place, even while they were enquiring where Govindaswami lived, the great saint himself approached them and addressed Sastri familiarly, by name and enquired after his welfare!
Tembeswamy Maharaj’s sankshipta charitra:
P.P. Shrimad Vasudevananad Saraswati Swami Maharaj, a was born on Shrawan Krushna Panchmi in the year 1854 in Mangaon near Sawantwadi, dist. Sindhudurga, Maharashtra.
• His thread ceremony was performed at the age of 8 years.
• He was married to Rama Bai, daughter of Babaji Pant Gode, who was Hawaldar at Ranganagad at the age of 21 years.
• He performed the ritual of Smartagni and spiritual repetitive chanting –‘Purascharan’ of Gayatri mantra.
• He established idol of Shree Datta Prabhu at Mangaon on Vaishakh Shukla Panchami
• Shri maharaj entered sanyas ashram with the appropriate rites and rituals on jeshtha shuddha dwadashi
• He espoused “Danda” from shri Narayananand saraswati at Ujjain.
• He completed his first chaturmas a holy period of four months for penance, austerities, fasting, bathing in holy rivers and religious observances at Ujjain on the banks of river Kshipra (English year 1891)
• His second chaturmas was completed at Bramhavarta (U.P) in the year 1892
• He composed Datta Purana, holy book comprising of verses of shri Datta Guru Maharaj in sanskrit during this period.
• He composed his third chaturmas at Haridwar (U.P) on the banks of river Ganga (English Year 1893)
• His fourth and fifith chaturmas was performed at Badrinath/ Kedarnath (Himalayas) in the year 1894-95
• His sixth chaturmas was again at Haridwar in the year 1896
• In the year 1896, he composed beautiful phrases compiled it as “Narmada Lahari” for appraising the holiness and purity of motherly river Narmada.
• His seventh chaturmas was at Petlad (M.P) on the banks of river Mahanadi. Here he composed “Datta- lilamrutasindu” a holy book with thousand phrases.
• His eighth chaturmas was at Tilakwada (Gujrat) in the year 1898. He translated “Kurma Puran” from Andhra dialect (telugu) to Marathi.
• He completed his ninth chaturmas was at Dwarka (Gujrat) in the year 1899
• His tenth chaturmas was at Chikhalada (M.P) on river Narmada’s banks . Here he composed ‘Krishnaveni- Panchganga Yutistham’, a book describing the greatness of Narsobawadi (English year 1900)
• His eleventh chaturmas was at Mahatpur (M.P) on the banks of river Kshipra. Here he composed ‘Datta Mahatma’ compiling all the stories from Datta Puran. Also he composed ‘ Trishati- Gurucharitra’ a collections of poems with 300 verses.
• First printed version of ‘Guru Charitra’ was brought to everyone here.
• His twelfth chaturmas was at Bramhavarta (U.P). here he composed ‘Samshloki’ gurucharitra and a book on ‘ Laghumanan saar’ Vedanta.
• His thirteenth chaturmas was at Bramhavarta in the Year 1903. Here he composed ‘Saptashati Gurucharitra’ readable for women which had 700 verses in it.
• His fourteenth chaturmas was also at Bramhavarta in the year 1904. After the chaturmas, on his way to gangapur, he composed ‘Krishna lahari’ describing about river Krishna.
• He completed his fifteenth chaturmas at Narsi (Maharashtra) near banks of river Kayadhu. The Poetic compilation ‘Datta Champu’ was created here. Also the very famous sacred composition ‘KARUNA TRIPADI’ was composed here which is chanted still in daily upasana by his devotees of Datta Sampradaya throughout the India.
• His sixteenth chaturmas was at Barwah (M.P.) in the year 1906.
• His seventeenth chaturmas was at Tanjawur (Tamilnadu) in the Year 1907 near Kaveri river. Here he composed gist form of the prose Samashloki Gurucharitra.
• In the year 1830 (English Year 1908) he completed his 18th Chaturmas at Muktayala near river Krishna. He composed Yuvashiksha, VruddhaShiksha and Streeshiksha during this period.
• His 19th Chaturmas was at Pavani (Maharashtra) near the banks of river Vainganga. He composed verses on Vainganga river in the year 1909.
• His 20th Chaturmas at Hawnoor (Karnataka) near the banks of river Tungabhadra. He composed the stotra “Dattatreyam Mahatmanam Varadam Bhaktavatsalam” at Jainpur.
• He completed his 21st Chaturamas at Kuravpur (Karnataka) in the year 1911. There he composed a verse on “Venkataramana” and “Aghorkashtoddharana Stotra”.
• His 22nd Chaturmas was at Chikhalda in the year 1912.
• His last and 23rd Chaturmas was at Garudeshwar (Gujarat) near the bank of river Narmada. Shri Maharaj took Samadhi in the year
He installed Bhakthavatsla Dattatreya Swamy and Padukas on the banks of river Godavari at Rajamundry, Andhra Pradesh.
1914 on Ashadh Shukla Pratipada at Garudeshwar.
Maharaj’s Charitra in Telugu language: The story of Shree tembe swamy charitra in telugu language is written by Datta sadhaka Shri GVLN vidya sagar sarma of Guntur, Andhrapradesh and printed the book as 3rd edition.
Shri Maharaj composed the following verse commemorating the Lord’s Leela :“Even though friends may fight, they soon enough reunite. When consorts do skirmish, Their love doesn’t an iota diminish. With the Devotee the Lord’s conflict, Is a signpost of love transcendent. Says Vasu such merriment, Gives Datta deep enjoyment”.
The Message:
One morning, after the daily discourse, Shri Maharaj addressed the assembly as follows. Today I wish to convey to you the essence of all that I have been preaching all my life through my discourses and writings. The primary objective of human life is to obtain liberation (from the recurring cycles of
birth and death). To this end, one should carry out one’s religious obligations as ordained by the scriptures, consistent with his Varna and Ashram. This will lead to the steadiness of mind so essential for the next step viz. study (Shravan), contemplation (Manan) and meditation(Nididhyasan) of Vedanta(conclusion of Vedas). Emphasis should be on the study i.e. the listening to discourses by detached and realized persons. This will diminish the temptation of mind. (The resultant) Righteous (Sattvic tendency is alone conducive to the spiritual ascent of man. To cultivate the Sattvic nature, diet has to be wholesome (Hit), measured (Mit) and pure (Medhya).
Samadhi Sthan: GARUDESHWAR in GUJRAT is the samadhi sthan of Paramhans Parivrajakacharya Shreemad VASUDEVANAND SARASWATI (TEMBE) SWAMI MAHARAJ(1854-1914).Garudeshwar is at a distance of 80 kms from Vadodara( Baroda).
It can be reached via RajPipla or via Daboi by Buses available at Baroda Bus station.
Address of the temple: Shri Datta Samsthan, Garudeshwar, Via Rajpeepla, Bharuch Dt-393151, Phone No.+91264092157
click the link below for Garudeswar Darshan
Fourth addition of SADGURU CHARITRA in Telugu language released
Team Sree Datta Vaibhavam is happy to announce the release of Fourth Addition of Sadguru Charitra in Telugu language at Sree Kshetra Garudeswar on an auspicious day December 25th 2015, (Datta Jayanthi ). Interested devotees who wish to purchase the copies may contact by way of mail to
1.Dr. Venkat Duvvuri
2. Shri G.S.B.N.D. Bhargava
s.o Shri. G.V.L.N Vidya Sagar Sarma
5th line Ananda Theertha Agraharam
H.No 26-31-18/6 Guntur-4
ph. 0863 2213955 , 9848831060
|| भक्तवत्सल भक्ताभिमानी राजाधिराज श्रीसदगुरुराज वासुदेवानंद सरस्वती स्वामी महाराज की जय||
|| नमो गुरवे वासुदेवाय||